Friday, July 31, 2009
Bipolar Bride...
Yknow when you first meet a guy and you get a lump in your throat or butterflies when you see them? You can't wait to talk to them, and don't want to call too much etc? Well, after 6 1/2 years, I don't get that feeling every time I see him. Not because I love him any less, but it's different. So as I am driving to work on Friday and thinking about our upcoming wedding i realized i had a lump in my throat at the prospect of marrying JJB. I was so excited I couldn't stand it.
So in 2 days, I've gone from crazy bridezilla to sappy excitied bride. BIPOLAR much?!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i know, it's been a while. im starting to freak out. i'm turning into bridezilla. I found this from another blogger,, and just loved it.
Oh poor Mom and Jarrett.
I've been talking to a lot of people...and when they say "when is the wedding, again?" and I reply with 2.5 weeks... their reaction is the same. OH MY.
YES, more like HOLY shit.
we have been finishing our "homework" for the minister, which is answering q's like:
- What are some of the reasons that you fell in love with Brad Pitt (aka your fiancé)? Please give examples, be thoughtful & specific.
- What attracts you to your mate? What do you find physically attractive in him?
- How did you meet? / How & when did you go from being “friends” to being a “couple” (aka tell me about the beginnings of the relationship, how you began dating). finalizing flowers, deciding who sits where, final songs, programs, menus, place cards etc. Wow is this intense. I cannot wait until August 12th, when we'll be beerbbqing with our friends and RELAXING. It's pretty much been a year since I've done that for more than 2-3 days.
OH! and the nightmares... i'd hoped they wouldn't get bad. But I'm having them, every single night. Last night my mom forgot the jewelery, my hair and makeup people were drinking at the cocktail hour (which happened to be BEFORE the ceremony) and then I had a complete meltdown because we started the wedding 1.5 hours late. I think i'm losing it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
drum roll please.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
well as of today, we are one month away (31 days) from the day i have been waiting for since i realized that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. (i think i realized slightly before he did, ha!) the countdown has begun.
We have a lot to do, little details to finalize...but both of us are over the moon. I find myself trying on my wedding band at least once a week and daydreaming at work about the day. I'm totally obsessed with people's pictures of other people's weddings and any good facebook wedding stalking i find ;-)
thank you all for putting up me with in advance. I cannot wait for August 16!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover..
I hate the world today
You're so good to me, I know
But I cant change
Tried to tell you but you looked at me like maybe I'm an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
You must have been relieved to see the softer side
I can understand how youd be so confused
I dont envy you
Im a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
So the stress of the one month mark (Thursday!) is getting to me. If one more person asks me if I'm ready, I might just scream. HAHA, i just feel like I can't keep up with all the things left to do. I started making checklists. "Wedding Day Items", "Rehearsal Checklist", "Itinerary Wedding Day" get the point. I think I'm narotic. I think I'm insane. I think Jarrett is going to kill me.Monday, July 13, 2009
We are recognized by the state of Massachusetts...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Family Lunch
That being said, we decided to do a family lunch Saturday before the wedding. Nothing fancy, but just an excuse for us to spend time with our families that we probably won't get to do during the wedding.
We picked the Stoneforge Restaurant in Plymouth. It's right on the water and we’ve picked a menu that has a variety of items and seafood to truly experience New England while people are here (lobster roll etc).
The more I think about the wedding, the more I realize we will be doing a LOT of eating ;-)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The end of the world as we know it...
So after 28 days of rain in the month of June, I thought... surely July will be better. And today when it rained again, I thought surely it can't rain in July and August right? I needed some cheering up...something to look forward to for our wedding. And then it happened. I went to the Farmer's Almanac. BAD, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD ROTTEN IDEA.
July 2009 1st-3rd Showers and rain from New England south, then clearing. 4th-7th Fair and generally pleasant. 8th-11th Showers and thunderstorms rapidly shift east into New England by the 11th. 12th-15th Showery weather persists. 16th-19th Unsettled conditions. 20th-23rd A few local thunderstorms for New England. 24th-27th Clear and hot, then local thunderstorms for New England. 28th-31st Showers and thunderstorms.
August 2009 1st-3rd Heavy rainfall. 4th-7th Partial clearing and cooler. 8th-11th Hazy and muggier. 12th-15th Increasingly cloudy skies. 16th-19th Rain moves in from west; possibly heavy at times. Potential hurricane threat along the coast. 20th-23rd A brief respite from wet weather, then more heavy rain. 24th-27th Heavy rainfall gradually gives way to cooler and drier air. 28th-31st Renewal of rainy, thundery conditions is followed by a surge of unseasonably chilly air.
Monday, July 6, 2009
the bachelor party...
So this weekend is the bachelor party. THE BACHELOR PARTY. the weekend that every bride dreads hearing and acknowledging. Jarrett is taking the trip to Montreal (where all of MY memories involve a lot of drinks, Peel's Pub and Winston Churchill's, St. Catherine's St, and some disgusting strip club!). I think the point is, I don't remember a lot either.
That being said, I'm not stressed about it. Nope. Jarrett and his 30 friends will be golfing and sightseeing and behaving. It's just that simple.
And I will be enjoying a weekend of beach, bowling, and sun....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Seating Chart
So we have about 75 responses (yes) thus far, and I've started thinking about the seating chart. (sorry WE). Jarrett's idea of this is plugging names into an excel spreadsheet. I want something more visual, something I can see... (is this a men are from mars/women are from venus thing?) I wonder how other couples handled this?
Is the seating chart a nightmare for other people? It just doesn't seem like an exciting task.
At this point, I'm debating a "parents table" where Jarrett's mom and dad, my mom and dad and our grandmother's sit... (although divorced families sometimes put a wrinkle into this ;-).
Update: steak is beating chicken 41-33.