Holy Crap I'm having a baby. IN TWO DAYS. At this time in two days, I will be a mom. It's not even real...I can't believe it. This whole pregnancy has felt like it's been SO long at times and yet the big day is almost here. How is that possible? I'm dying to know what he looks like. I'm dying to learn his little personality and see Jarrett and I embark on this next adventure. Boy are we in for an adventure! I'm definitely full of emotions and anxiety. LOTS OF EMOTIONS. I've cried a lot this past week or so. I'm just so overwhelmed with work and all the little things that need to get done and preparing the house, etc. And I can't wait to see the pups with the new little guy. I actually think they are going to be amazing with him. Being home with them has been a nice treat this past week or so.... lots of sleeping (by them) and snuggling.
So here it goes... If I find time, I'll post some pics of the baby room. If not, next post--BABY!!!
13 hours ago