Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Terrible Two's

I don't know much about the human terrible two's, but we have reached them here in the Britt household.

Lincoln fancies furniture, remotes, cell phones, napkins/toilet paper, sticks, ...the list goings on. Pretty much ANYTHING on the ground that he can get at and run with in his mouth or chew.

In case you want a real life example:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Big Easy

So much has been going on with us, my blogging has been lacking. We've re-seeded AGAIN, as the first time did not work so I do not have before and after pictures. We bought a lawnmower! (we are so domesticated)We've basically spent more money at Home Depot than I care to calculate and I'm thinking of buying stock in the damn company. But, we did return from an absolutely AMAZING trip to New Orleans. I seriously already cannot wait to go back. The food is fabulous, the city is great with some truly amazing people, the architecture is beautiful and the music! We also visited the lower ninth ward, which was one of the most emotional experiences of my life. 5 years later and there are still empty lots with cement steps, remnants of the house that was once there. And run down homes with spray paint still there to show how many bodies were found in the home. I thought I would share some of this with you in hopes it makes you want to visit such a great place too.