Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Holy Crap I'm having a baby. IN TWO DAYS. At this time in two days, I will be a mom. It's not even real...I can't believe it. This whole pregnancy has felt like it's been SO long at times and yet the big day is almost here. How is that possible? I'm dying to know what he looks like. I'm dying to learn his little personality and see Jarrett and I embark on this next adventure. Boy are we in for an adventure! I'm definitely full of emotions and anxiety. LOTS OF EMOTIONS. I've cried a lot this past week or so. I'm just so overwhelmed with work and all the little things that need to get done and preparing the house, etc. And I can't wait to see the pups with the new little guy. I actually think they are going to be amazing with him. Being home with them has been a nice treat this past week or so.... lots of sleeping (by them) and snuggling.

So here it goes... If I find time, I'll post some pics of the baby room. If not, next post--BABY!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Home Stretch

You are probably wondering where I've been. Or even more likely, not. But... I've been busy lately, y'know finalizing the baking of this little boy. I'm fully baked at 37 weeks (ok, 2 more days) and I'm over being pregnant. I'm sick of feeling sick and I want to meet this little guy. I've realized being pregnant is full of ups and downs and anyone that hasn't experienced it just cannot grasp how it's full of so many ups and downs and so many aches and pains. Quite the physical and emotional rollercoaster.

I learned recently that Baby Britt is breach and after some chiropractor and acupuncture attempts, he seems quite content. I've gone back and forth about this and I'm not sure how I feel. The recovery stinks, but then I don't have to fear labor and all that goes with it. I also like the planning aspect, I pack my bag and show up at the hospital ready to go. So I showed up Friday to my 36 week appointment and it was confirmed that he is still in fact breach, enjoying my right rib, belly button and whatever else is over there and so he's got an official arrival date--JUNE 28th!!!!! He's all over the place, sometimes he kicks me and I think his foot might fall out.

At this point I'm not overly excited about sharing a bumpdate, but perhaps you'll get one this week. Why you ask? MY ASS IS HUGE and i am addicted to dessert. I have exploded ladies and gentlemen. I also sleep in 20 minute increments, I swear. And commuting to work has become a nightmare.

Buttttt....as I write this, my fabulous photographer just sent me maternity photos. I just had to share one in particular. I melt. And I actually forgot about how uncomfortable I am for a moment. Ahhh baby britt, I can't wait to meet you <3

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dear Baby Britt

Dear Baby Britt, I've been thinking a lot about you lately. I think it may be your arrival nearing and those fabulous kicks you like to startle me with. I've been thinking about what kind of mom I want to be...and even about the man I want you to grow up to be. And forgive me, I'm quite hormonal at the moment. I go from moments of shear bliss to panic like the flick of a switch. I'm jealous of all of my friends who've had their baby recently and have all this love and I don't know quite what that feels like yet. But I did want to write down a few thoughts that have crossed my mind lately, things I want you to know. And I asked your Dad to participate too!

1. I hope you grow up to be just like him. I don't mean you have to be a carbon copy, I want you to make your own decisions...but I hope you are as passionate, loving and devoted as he is. And if you can be as good of a cook, even better. You and your girlfriends will thank me later and when you marry the woman of your dreams and it all started because you made her dinner when all the other guys just took her to a bar.

2. I'm sorry in advance if for the rest of your life I remind you that I carried you for 9 months AND GAVE BIRTH TO YOU. That I couldn't eat for 5 months. That my back constantly hurt. I peed every hour. And I was pretty uncomfortable. Just let me have this one. I'll try not to be annoying in other ways, but it was long and painful and I'm sure worth every second...but I might have to remind you.

3. Don't go through life without taking a risk. I made a lot of safe bets, and I don't regret them. But if you are 18 and want to live a little (and I may regret this later) do it. Don't be in such a rush to grow up. You'll have plenty of time to do that. Just remember to work so you have some money to do those things you want to do--mom and dad won't be paying for everything!

4. You can pretend to like the Blue Jays for your Dad's sake. He'll need the support. But in reality, we both know you are a Boston sports fan at heart. You don't have an option here.

5. Don't blame it on the dog. They show guilt. We know what they are capable of...and they don't have thumbs. Just remember we'll know. We always know...


6. Don't let the name fool you, country music is not "music"- listen to Beatles, Stones and U2 and you will be fine

7. Your mommy's favorite place on earth is Disneyworld, so when we take you, if it's not your favorite, you have my permission to lie

8. You are one lucky kid to grow up in Boston, you might actually see a sports team with a championship

9. Don't be afraid of the dogs, they are adorable and loving, and only bark at other people's children

10. Just because Daddy cooks all the meals, don't let that deter you from marrying a girl in the future who cooks, it's more normal than you think

Keep baking in there little guy. Catch ya on the flipside in 10 weeks. xoxo


Monday, April 23, 2012

29.5 Bumpdate

You've been asking for it....BUMPDATE! I'm nearing the 30 week milestone and Baby Britt is growing every week.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

28 weeks!

I can admit it...I am terrible at keeping up with this blogging thing.

As I write this, I just received my "welcome to week 28" email and I've officially entered the third trimester. It's a great feeling knowing the baby is getting stronger and stronger, especially if anything were to happen. I have this overwhelming feeling of "UGH, how can I still have 12 weeks???" and then at the same time... I think OMFG (insert crazy expletives) we will have a baby in 12 weeks. I just had my most recent check-up and everything looked great. I'm measuring right where I should be, I'm up about 2 lbs all said and done from my weight loss and then finally putting that back on. I am being neurotic about not getting huge, I really need to stop. And of course, the aches and pains are in full force. My back kills...along with my tailbone and pelvic bone. Every time I mention it, the doctors look at me like, DUH, you are having a baby--you didn't think this would be easy did you? Baby Britt is very active and kicks me in all sorts of ways. I'm just DYING to know what he looks like. Does he have hair? I also think he's getting a hiccups a lot. THERE IS A BABY IN MY BELLY. And the hubs is so freaking sweet to me, I can't even stand it. He's pitching in extra so I don't need to keep getting up, then sitting down, then getting up. Makes the world of difference. He's so freaking wonderful and I think I might just love him more once the little guy comes.

We are now going down the checklist and getting things ready on the home front. We'll have the room painted this weekend and about late May will set up the crib and dresser (which are here already) from Pottery Barn.

Next up: baby bumpdate and picks of the room and ideas for decorating.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby Bumpdate

I am a terrible blogger and I don't even know where to begin. But I'm pregnant-- you can tell. And I can eat again...franky, I can't stop eating. And then I eat myself sick.

Here is a little picture of me (more later!)

Happy 24 weeks!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby Bumpdate

Ok universe...I've been slacking. Works been busy, we just got back from a babymoon and this blog has taken a backseat. Where do I begin?


I had myself convinced that it was a girl, but in the end I'm happy. :) And Jarrett is thrilled...first secretly...then PUBLICLY. Shouting from the rooftops...ok I kid.

And I'm half-baked (20 weeks!) I'm still dealing with some of the aches and pains (and I don't think it will ever end). Backaches, sinus issues, some nausea. Buttttt I'm sure it's worth it ;-) Many more posts to come, I promise! Especially about some house updates (painting!) and our trip to Babies R Us for the registry (kill me!)

until then....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

oh the things that clutter my mind

just a few months ago I would be sitting home and thinking about the pair of shoes I needed to buy, or what curtains I should get, or what vacations Jarrett and I wanted to take next year. Now? Well now I'm consumed by baby purchases. So many choices. So many opinions. And don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy to have these decisions to make.

For those former or current brides, you know how everyone had an opinion about your wedding? Well think that x 1,000,000,000. You get the point. Except now...everyone is an expert. And instead of admitting they made choices and some were right and some were wrong and every baby is different, it's a whole lot of nah, you don't need this and you SIMPLY HAVE to get that. And a lot of stares and judgments about your decisions. Yknow the ones you are making for YOUR baby?

And don't even get me started on the internet! I could get lost with the amount of stores and baby blogs out there. Maybe sometimes less information is more? I know, I'm ranting, but I can't help it. This is hard.

This weeks topic? Bottles. Which freaking bottles do I register for? Nevermind there are tons of brand choices, now they offer some that are better for gassy babies and others for babies having trouble transitioning from breast feeding. There are different nipple sizes... I mean for the love of god... how do I know what this little baby (the size of a lemon, BTW) will need?

So instead of deciding? I'm going upstairs to watch Teen Mom 2. I'll be sure to feel better about this situation after a little bit of that, right?

If anyone is in fact reading this. What did you choose?

...until next time.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

There is a baby in my belly

If you are a friend, family member, facebook friend, etc you may already know this. But it's public and my blog is now back to being public since the world can finally know!

I'm starting to feel a little better and get my mojo back. I don't want to curl up and cry due to nausea. But things that I've learned recently:

My due date is now July 5th (not June 28th), so I'm almost 14 weeks.
Our little peanut seems to be healthy and stubborn already based on our first ultrasound.
I was sick for sure-I lost 5 lbs during the first trimester! (ok, maybe the lack of booze also had something to do with it).
My hubby is the cutest and sweetest man alive.
The baby is a medium shrimp.
We found out if it's a girl or boy on February 6th.
and...I still pee constantly

Happy New Years!