Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This is how I feel in the morning. I can only imagine how mothers feel, which makes me slightly panicked when I think about our family in a couple of years with a baby and two dogs. But before I develop hives, I'll stop thinking about that.
Every morning we have a routine. Jarrett wakes up, takes Lincoln out and feeds him and gets ready. I then wake up, shower, get ready and take care of Knight and putting Lincoln to bed. Seems harmless, right? Except when I said to Jarrett last night "it's INSANE here in the mornings" and he replied "no kidding, that's why I get up first now", I realized how bad it is. He gets up earlier so he can AVOID the mayhem.
The past few days have involved our curious little pup realizing the shower is a really cool place to explore, knock over shampoo bottles and lick lick lick. What he doesn't realize is the paw prints he creates and carries from room to room (and on our white sheets--what was I thinking?). He also finds Knight's ears and paws taste better than any bone could ever. I've become a master of blowdrying my hair with one arm outside of the bathroom so I can keep an eye on the little devil, all the while using my hand to keep the door shut so he can't run in there and steal something from the trash can (mainly q-tips or tissues).
He's closing in on 9 months, and well...we still have some time before this teenager calms down. Let's hope that Jarrett and I survive until then.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Gone so long and an

Overly complicated game

Leave spouse and something that takes


...I write this post because my lovely husband said "Why don't you blog about it" after I complained about golf. SO THERE. I am.

Mainly that I think it's kind of a stupid game, that seems to interrupt my weekend plans and somehow takes 6 hours to finish. He tried comparing this to a day at the beach, and I think that's absurd! His golf is getting IN THE WAY of my beach days.

And if you want me to like golf, you are going to have to find some more attractive men to play the sport or people that dress like this for me to make fun of. Or perhaps, join the country club so I can play tennis and use the pool while you are golfing? *hint hint* HAHHA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Body by JMAC

You'll laugh, but on our honeymoon after a few cocktails I promised Jarrett I'd be a MILF. If you don't know what this is I do NOT suggest googling it, because a whole lot of porn sites come up.

Well, almost a year later, I feel nothing like a MILF (well, first I am not a mother) but also I feel like I've "let myself go". I haven't been keeping up with the gym, my portions and choices for food have got out of control and I like my glass(es) of wine at dinner. Now, let's be serious...I am not going to give up everything. But I need to make better decisions, make concessions and GO TO THE GYM. So I'm hoping that by admitting this publicly, I am on my way to recovery!

Wish me luck.... :P

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Engagiversay!

Is that even a word?

Two years ago, I was completely surprised during dessert after an amazing wine dinner at La Campania by Jarrett when he asked me to marry him. I can't believe it's already been two years and how amazing my life is because of him.

Already counting the hours until we enjoy dinner there! T-8 hours...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm getting nostalgic

When you are in your mid-late 20's, summertime means wedding season. It's when you hear all of your friends boasting (or complaining?) "I have 6 weddings, what about you?" and every weekend seems to be planned for you with showers, bachelorette/bachelor parties and Fridays are taken off to travel to the venues.

If you asked me a few months ago, I was a little anxious about the amount of weddings. To me it was stressful to think almost every weekend in July was booked and about the amount of money I'd be spending. Now, those all hold true, but tomorrow is our 2 yr engageiversary, next month is our ANNIVERSARY (WHAT?! already?) and Nicole's bachelorette is this weekend followed by Veronica's shower and bachelorette. This has me a little teary eyed when watching any love story and looking through photos of our wedding. I'm not kidding, I could tear up just looking at the hubs at any moment. (and... NO I'M NOT PREGNANT) Maybe it's that I just watched Bethenny Getting Married?

I spent about 2 hours looking through our wedding photos on facebook last night. I am so happy to share in the special days with these amazing couples and going through the photos made me more than excited for their upcoming days. Here are a few of my favorites:

Tomorrow night, Jarrett and I will be doing what quite possibly might be the most romantic thing, is going to the scene of the crime, 2 years later- La Campania. Ahhhh amazing. Love you JJB!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I want a pool.

I should simply write enough said.



ever since I was a kid, I wanted a pool in my backyard. I am not even kidding you. 7 year old Jess said to older Jess, you will have a pool someday. I always grew up with neighbors or family that let me come over whenever, unannounced and let me use their pool to cool off, get some sun, and relax. To me, there is nothing better than laying out by the pool, reading a good book or trashy celebrity gossip and taking a nice nap by the pool.

But, as you all know, we do not have a pool. And it's been unbearably hot this whole summer. And the hubs said no. (In his defense, is it worth it? Would it mess with the resale of our house? All good q's). But seriously how awesome is this pool? And please? Pretty please?